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WZPK□□-Series armored thermal resistance

作者:admin点击:89 发布时间:2022-12-27
(2)mean error
Graduation mark Grademean error
Pt100 Pt10 Pt400 Pt1000 JPt100A±(0.15+0.002│t│)

Ⅰ、t Is the absolute value of the measured temperature;

Ⅱ、The graduation number Pt100 is IEC standard, JPt100 is old Japanese and American standard

Ⅲ、Φ 3 The following components are only allowed to use ≤ 300 ℃, Φ 4~ Φ 8 Generally, it can only be used at ≤ 550 ℃, especially 850 ℃

Ⅳ、Class A allowable deviation is not applicable to platinum thermistors with two-wire system
(3)Working principle of thermal resistance
     A temperature sensor that measures temperature by using the characteristic that the resistance value of conductor or semiconductor changes with temperature.
(4)Basic form of thermal resistance profile
(5)Temperature sensing elements include ceramic platinum resistance, glass platinum resistance, thick film platinum resistance, thin film platinum resistance, mica platinum resistance and copper resistance

